Business mediation

Collaborations and entrepreneurship regularly involve conflicts. Usually, the parties are able to solve the problems among themselves. If this does not work and the conflict threatens to escalate, mediation is an excellent way to discuss and resolve the conflict.

In practice, negative emotions, assumptions, distrust and principles often stand in the way of finding a solution together. In many cases, the parties are more concerned with fighting and opposing each other than with solving the actual problem.

Mediation can help parties to talk to each other again, so that space is created to find a solution. The mediator guides the parties in that process and in the negotiations.

Our approach is characterised by clear guidance where necessary and letting go where possible. With respect for the autonomy of the parties and a feeling for what is at stake.

How does business mediation work?

The mediation process starts with separate, confidential intake interviews with both parties. During the intake interview, we briefly discuss what is going on. The mediator provides information about the possibilities, rules of the game and the course of the mediation. In addition, both parties will agree on who will be present during the mediation, where and when the mediation will take place.

Our office has a room designed for business meetings, where parties can speak freely with each other. The mediation can also take place at another neutral location. The starting point is that all parties should feel comfortable with the setting in which the mediation takes place. Our aim is always to schedule a first mediation session with the parties within two weeks.

During business mediation, the mediator, together with the participants, examines what the core of the conflict is and what interests are at stake. The mediator then identifies possible solutions and guides the negotiations between the parties and the conclusion of concrete agreements.

Business mediators

We have well-trained business mediators who are experienced in breaking deadlocks and achieving progress in talks between parties.