Paula Kemp received her PhD!

26 February 2020

It is our great pleasure to announce that our colleague, Paula Kemp, received her PhD from Leiden University on 23 January 2020. Her research, entitled ‘Enforced Performance of commercial sales contracts in the Netherlands, Singapore and China’, contributes to the growth of our international legal practice, and it allows us to provide our clients with even better support in achieving their global ambitions.

Paula’s research focussed on the extent to which the contract law of the Netherlands, Singapore and China balance out the interests of parties to a commercial sales contract in their principles surrounding the enforceability of performance obligations. It also explored how the domestic solutions correlate to the approaches taken by  international contract and sales law principles. By doing so, Paula addressed the fundamental differences in approach to safeguarding the buyer’s performance interest in obtaining the very thing it bargained for, and the seller’s interests in protection against unjustifiable consequences of awarding a claim for enforced performance.

Paula Kemp
Enforced Performance of commercial sales contracts in the Netherlands, Singapore and China
Eleven International Publishing 2020, 454 p.
ISBN 978 94 6236 987 0